Podcaster Rea Gopane allegedly accused Mr.JazziQ for killing Killa Kau and Mpura

Podcaster Rea Gopane is no stranger to controversy as he is known for saying what he thinks about celebrities and at the moment he's being sued by Mr. JazziQ after he accused him for killing amapiano artists Killa Kau and Mpura.

Rea Gopane then refused to take back his accussation he made about Mr.JazziQ of killing Mpura and Killa Kau. 

Rea was then warned that he could face legal action after he claimed Amapiano superstar ‘sacrificed’ the late Mpura and Killa Kau to better his career.

He went on camera and accused Mr.JazziQ for killing Killa Kau and Mpura saying that their deaths were blood rituals used to better his career.

It was everything everyone was talking about after the clip went viral, this then led to Mr. JazziQ’s law representatives taking a step and warning Rea that they will be taking legal action against him.

They sent a message to Rea Gopane telling him how his accusations were hurting the singers image and that his claims lacked truth and evidence and was very harmful to the artists emotional and psychological well being. 

A note was also sent to Gopane which pleaded for the removal of the clip including an apology.

Rea Gopane in response he went on his show and stated clearly that he will not be be apologising to Mr JazziQ and that the only regret he had was to the families of Mpura and Killa Kau.

“JazziQ though, apparently allegedly I got sued though. I did get sued,” he said on the show.

“Let me start by saying this, I did feel obliged to send apologies to their(Killer Kau and Mpura) families… But I’m not gonna apologise to JazziQ.

“He treated us like we are nothing. When we tried doing some work with him, he wasted our time.

“The same story that you guys heard on MacG, JazziQ gave us the same story… I felt treated like a Popeye by JazziQ. “

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