Amanda Du pont seek help after being raped, abused physically and emotionally by Jub Jub

Heartbroken Amanda Du pont went out to social media yesterday the 2nd of December 2021 to address certain things that jub jub said about her on an interview with Mac G.

In the episode Jub Jub said he "smashed" Amanda and that their three-year relationship ended after he cheated on her with singer Kelly Khumalo. According to Jub Jub, he was not interested in a long-term relationship with Kelly, but she seduced him with muti. 

 Amanda Du pont broke down as she shared how she was raped and abused by Jub Jub.

In an Instagram post, the Swazi-South African actress claimed that Jub Jub not only abused her physically, but that he also raped her for two years. 

Amanda highlighted in a warning to the Uyajola 9/9 host about claims that they were in an intimate relationship and while she was afraid to leave.

“I was raped, physically and emotionally abused for two years by Jub Jub. The only thing I did wrong was keep quiet. But that ends here I will not be publicly ridiculed by this criminal. Him and Mac G saw it fit to drag my name on their podcast for clout at the cost of amplifying a Gender Based Violence Case,” she said in a statement.

“No you didn’t smash me, you raped me, you forcefully opened my legs and

forced yourself on me for two years and made me believe I had no way out”
she said.

She then went on to say that she had to terminate her pregnancy because she refused to have a child that was forcefully given to her.

“I had an abortion of course because there was absolutely no way I would have a child that was forcefully given to me,” she said.

“The most painful part of all of this was that I was a virgin and I told him at the time. I told Jub Jub at the time that I was a virgin and I planned to be a virgin until the time I got married,” she continued.

Amanda went out to seek for help to anyone willing to help since this issue is bigger than her, she said:

“Any Attorney that can help me with a cease and desist letter or help with dealing with this man legally, please reach out. So that he can keep my name out his mouth. Not because I can’t afford it but because I want to make this a public fight. The fight is bigger than me. Dedicated to the woman who never make it out and end up dead,”

As the day ended, other woman who were allegedly abused by Jub Jub came out and people did not criticize them, but believed them.

People on social media argued that why take such a long time to address abuse but seemed like Amanda once addressed being abused but did not mention any name back in 2006.

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