Shocking reasons why Unathi Nkayi was fired from Kaya FM


Idols SA judge Unathi Nkayi was trending days ago after she was immediately fired from Kaya FM because of breakdown of trust between her and other radio parties.

Kaya 959 confirmed that certain incidents had occurred, which resulted in the breakdown of trust between the two parties. 

Latest reports have revealed that Unathi was fired after she got into a heated argument with Sizwe Dhlomo. She is said to have filed a formal complaint against Dhlomo with the Human Resources department. This is after Dlomo was late for his show, and Unathi accused him of being unprofessional and verbally abusing her.

“She went on about this toxic patriarchal thing in radio which has to end. She kept saying that she was going to make an example of him and was swearing at him in IsiXhosa,” the source continued.

The Idols SA judge filed a formal complaint with the Human Resources department. “HR took it seriously. They thought Sizwe had threatened her because she said she was afraid for her life and that she couldn’t work in such an environment. She said that if Sizwe remained on the air, she’d go to social media and approach the EFF for support,” said the source.

According to the reports, Dhlomo was made aware of the complaint lodged against him. Another source said that the microphones that surrounded the pair were recording during the altercation making it easy for them to prove who was at fault. Therefore Sizwe acted quick.

Siizwe immediately asked HR to access the audio and listen to it because that would serve as evidence of what had been said. Unathi was then given the opportunity to withdraw her allegation after listening to the tapes. She, on the other hand, refused and demanded that Dhlomo be taken off air.

Dhlomo then filed a complaint against Unathi, accusing her of circulating false rumours against him. “Sizwe came with voice notes and screengrabs with people. He said that Unathi had never once complained about him being unprofessional until she had had the outburst the previous day. However, it seemed she had been discussing his alleged unprofessionalism with someone who didn’t work at Kaya FM,” continued the source.

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