Somizi Mhlongo barned from going to Zimbabwe

Somizi Mlhongo finally opens up about being barred from Zimbabwe. 

Somizi Mhlongo is one of the best South African artist in the entertainment industry. 

He is one of the most celebrated gay people in South Africa who has not been shy about his sexuality. 

Somizi was currently supposed to go to Zimbabwe to be part of opening a restaraunt there. 

However some churches in Zimbabwe teamed up to prevent him from coming to their country. They even wrote a letter to the President of their country to stop Somizi from coming all because he is gay.

When the news broke out Somizi didnt comment only to do so 2 days later.

 He said he was adviced that the fucntion he was supposed to attend had been cancelled beacause he was not promoting it on his social media network.

 They didnt come clean to him that the main reason was his sexuality however he said he is not really bothered about it.

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